Blooket Wiki
Blooket Wiki

Temp file 1619728231 This article is a BLOOK.
It is one of the many blook pages that are important! If you are editing this please make sure the information is correct!

Sign in page

Wise Owl in Sign in page

The Wise Owl is a Unique Blook. To obtain the Wise Owl, you had to go to the ISTE 2023, in Philadelphia. At the Blooket booth, there was a QR code with the ability to be scanned in the front. From there, you'd have to fill out a Google Form and enter your username. From there, you'd be given the Blook after about a week. As of now, the forum has been closed and the Blooks have been distributed, and as of today, this blook is no longer obtainable. 212 people collected the Blook, though only 189 still exist. You were able to obtain this Blook from Monday, June 26th 2023 from 9:30 am to 5:30 pm. This Blook can be sold for only 500 Tokens.


Wise owl looks like the Owl wearing a school uniform and a graduation hat and glasses, making it look smart. In its right wing, it's holding a book, and there is an apple on top of the hat.


  • The Wise Owl was meant to show a determined student in an Owl Blook to represent a smart Blooket player.
  • This is currently the only Unique blook.
  • It works almost the same to Party Pig the fact that it rewards to us not in a contest.
  • Wise Owl appears in Sign in page and symbolises a teacher option. The other option is a Chick blook.
  • Wise Owl Plus Subscription Promotional Material

    Wise Owl used in Promotional Material

    This is the first Unique Blook
  • This blook received a lot of controversy as it was only limited to people who met Ben in ISTE 2023 Philadelphia
  • There was a good chance that it was solely added to be used throughout the site, such as in the account creation settings and in promotional material.