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The Waffle Blook with Breakfast background

Waffle is a Rare Blook that can be purchased in the market by opening Breakfast Pack. The drop rate of Waffle is 9%. It can be sold for 20 tokens each, just like other Rares.

Featured Game Modes[]

Waffle currently only featured in three game modes, which are Fishing Franzy, Crazy Kingdom, and the Café game mode.


Waffle is the seventh food on Café which after the Milk Blook. In each lavel, Waffle have different amounts of stock prize and different amount of money to unlock the next level.

Level Cost to level up Stock prize
Level 1 $2,000 $368
Level 2 $31,500 $5,513
Level 3 $551,250 $55,125
Level 4 $4,462,500 $183,750
Level 5 $13,650,000 $367,500

C Waffle

Fishing Frenzy[]

Waffle is an object that can be hooked on Fishing Frenzy. The rarity of Waffle is "Trash". It can be found in C, D, or F tier. It has a 5% chance of being hooked up tied with Two of Spades. The weight of Waffle is in the range from 1 lb to 10 lbs.

F Waffle

Crazy Kingdom[]

Waffle is the first Blook of the special set called "Breakfast Pack Trio" in Crazy Kingdom. It will ask this question when it appears:

  • "Do you like waffles?"
    • Yes: "Yeah, we like waffles!" +5 (Happiness)
    • No: "NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!" -25 (Happiness)

When you pick 'Yes' the set will continue as the Pancake will then ask next, however the set will stop when 'No' is selected.

CK Waffle

