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Space Pack

Space Pack is a whole time Pack that can be purchased on Market. This Pack costs 20 Tokens to purchase. The rarest Blooks that you can get in the Space Pack are the Colored Astronauts, which are Chromas with 0.05% drop rate. The Colored Astronauts rotate every day as the week goes on. This Pack is mostly about the environment and creatures related to space.

Blooks in Space Pack[]

Space Pack currently contains fifteen Blooks, include 4 Uncommons, 2 Rares,1 Epic, 1 Legendary and 7 Chromas. Chromas in Space Pack rotates every day and change on 00:00 London time. This makes Space Pack contain the most Blooks but least Blooks without counting Chromas.

Name Image Rarity Drop Rate Featured Game Modes
Earth Earth Uncommon 18.75% 1
Meteor Meteor Uncommon 18.75% 1
Stars Stars Uncommon 18.75% 1
Alien Alien Uncommon 18.75% 3
Planet Planet Rare 10% 1
UFO UFO Rare 10% 2
Spaceship Spaceship Epic 4.5% 1
Astronaut Astronaut Legendary 0.45% 1
Pink Astronaut PinkAstronaut Chroma 0.05% (Mondays only) 0
Yellow Astronaut YellowAstronaut Chroma 0.05% (Tuesdays only) 0
Black Astronaut BlackAstronaut Chroma 0.05% (Wednesdays only) 1
Orange Astronaut OrangeAstronaut Chroma 0.05% (Thursdays only) 0
Red Astronaut RedAstronaut Chroma 0.05% (Fridays only) 1
Brown Astronaut BrownAstronaut Chroma 0.05% (Saturdays only) 0
Green Astronaut GreenAstronaut Chroma 0.05% (Sundays only) 0

Other Space Blooks[]

Besides the Blooks in Space Pack itself, there's also a lot of Space Blooks, as known as Blooks that use the Space Background. There are currently 10 Space Blooks that is not in Space Pack.

Name Image How to Obtain Featured Game Modes
Cyan Astronaut CyanAstronaut Pokemon Are Cool event prize 0
Lime Astronaut LimeAstronaut Pokemon Are Cool event prize 0
Purple Astronaut PurpleAstronaut Unreleased 0
Blue Astronaut BlueAstronaut Unreleased 0
Rainbow Astronaut RainbowAstronaut Lunch event prize 0
Lovely Planet LovelyPlanet Obtain on Valentimes Day in market 0
Space Box

Space Box


Date Change Memo
Febuary 12th, 2021 Added Space Box
August 22th, 2022 Changed its name and appearance from 'Space Box' to 'Space Pack'


  • Space Pack contains the most Chromas among other Packs, with the amounts of 7.
  • Space Pack is currently the only Pack where Chromas rotates every day. Additionally, Chromas in Blizzard Pack rotated but retired.
  • Space Pack is the 2nd Pack with the most obtainable Blooks, with a total of 15, the 1st being the Spooky Pack, which has 22 Blooks.
  • Rares in Space Pack have the most drop rate than any other whole time Packs, which is the drop rate of 10%.

