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Queen blook in background
Screenshot 2023-01-08 3.05

Queen is a Rare Blook. It can be obtained by buying the Medieval Pack for 20 tokens in the market. It has a drop rate of 9% and It can be sold for 20 tokens.


Tower Of Doom Stats (TOD):[]

The default TOD stats are: 10 Strength, 16 Charisma, 16 Wisdom. These stats can be buffed/debuffed by various cards, and are the default stats. Some of the cards that can buff/debuff it are:

  1. Pink Hippo (Buff)
  2. Dave's Doggo (Buff)
  3. Anorak's Wizard Cap (Buff)
  4. Cozy Igloo (Debuff)
  5. King's Crown (Buff)
  6. Sacred Scroll (Debuff)

Crazy Kingdom Overview:[]

The Queen will ask you for Resources to save some children outside of the kingdom, if you say yes it gives +14 People, -12 Materials. If you say no, -10 Happiness. She will also ask for a new crown. If you say no, you get -6 happiness and if you say yes, then you get +15 Happiness and -10 Gold. Also, she can ask whether she should start forcing people to eat healthy. If you say yes, then +10 people and -15 happiness, if you say no, then -5 People and -5 Happiness.

