This article is a BLOOK. It is one of the many blook pages that are important! If you are editing this please make sure the information is correct! |
The Penguin is a Common blook meaning everyone has it by default. It cannot be sold, it is part of the Arctic Buddies Pack. It is the worst factory blook, along with the Duck.
Tower Of Doom Stats (TOD):[]
The default TOD stats are: 14 Strength, 6 Charisma, 6 Wisdom. These stats can be buffed/debuffed by various cards, and are the default stats. Some of the cards that can buff/debuff it are:
- Pink Hippo (Buff)
- Dave's Doggo (Buff)
- Anorak's Wizard Cap (Buff)
- Cozy Igloo (Buff)
Factory Stats:[]
Base Stats: $4/3s | Price: Free |
II. $21/3s | Price: $400 |
III. $310/3s | Price: $6.5k |
IV. $3.2k/3s | Price: $76k |
V. $33k/3s | Price: $870k |
Crazy Kingdom:[]
The Penguin will tell you to only listen to the baby penguin named "Timmy", or will ask you if it can go ice fishing with it's friends, if you say yes to the ice fishing it gives you +5 People, +10 Happiness, -15 Materials. It will also ask you if you want to build an amusement park. If you say yes, then -15 Materials and Gold, but +15 People and +20 Happiness and if no is your answer, -5 happiness.