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Owl Tower of Doom

Tower of Doom stats

The Owl (known as Judgemental Owl in the Crazy Kingdom gamemode) is a Common Blook from the Forest Pack, which means everyone has it! Because of this, you cannot sell this Blook.


The Owl has 2 Chroma versions, which are the Agent Owl & the Owl Sheriff, and a Unique version, the Wise Owl. The Agent Owl is also the final top path upgrade for the Owl Sniper, which is the game-mode Tower Defense (TD) version of the Owl. In Tower Defense 2 (TDe2), it picks the same role in Tower Defense, now without the upgrades, such as the Wise Owl and the Agent Owl.

Owl blook in background


Tower of Doom (TOD) Stats:[]

The default TOD stats are: 6 Strength, 2 Charisma, 15 Wisdom. These stats can be buffed/debuffed by various cards, and are the default stats. Some of the cards that can buff/debuff it are:

  1. Pink Hippo (Buff)
  2. Dave's Doggo (Buff)
  3. Anorak's Wizard Cap (Buff)
  4. Magic Seedling (Buff)
  5. Just A Bone (Debuff)

Factory Stats:[]

Class: Forest (🌲)
Base Stats: $4 / 2s Price: Free
II: $17 / 2s Price: $500
III: $155 / 2s Price: $4.8K
IV: $1.5K / 2s Price: $55K
V: $15K / 2s Price: $580K

Tower Defense(TD) Stats:[]

Owl Sniper
Base Stats Upgrade 1 Upgrade 2 Upgrade 3
Damage: 5

Attack Time: 4s

Range: 9

Cost: 4

Buff Owl:

×2 damage

Cost: 2

Power Owl:

×2 damage

Cost: 2

Agent Owl:

Each attack also deals 25% of an enemy's current health

as damage (Max 150)

Cost: 5

Quick Owl:

×2 fire rate

Cost: 2

Speedy Owl:

×1.5 fire rate

Cost: 2


Transform into 3 birds that deals damage to all

enemies in a line

Cost: 4

Crazy Kingdom stats:[]

The Owl (Referred to as the "Judgemental Owl") takes away 5 people should the player say "Yes" to:

  1. Oliver, one of the three Pigs, requests to play Roblox or Fortnite.
  2. The Parrot asking to bring in other birds to the kingdom.
  3. The French Toast asking if the player likes French toast.

Crypto Hack stats:[]

Judgemental Owl appears in Crypto Hack as a password (JudgementalOwl5) rather than in person.

Tower Defense 2 (TDe2)/ Gallery

Owl lv.1 and 2

Owl lv

Owl lv


Owl lv


Owl lv


  1. It adds a wooden tower
  2. Owl now has a green eyepatch on the right of the owl. It adds lines coming from the center of their head. It removes the wooden tower and replaces it with a stone tower.

Owl lvl.3

Now has a golden tower. No clothing changes

Owl lv.4

It removed the glass eyepatch, now with a green googles, has a helmet, and now has a diamond tower.

Cafe Overview[]

The Owl is one of the customers in Cafe. He can be here anytime.


  • It isn't clear why Judgemental Owl takes 5 people, but one of each following probably has a reasonable answer. For Example:
    • Saying yes to the French Toast is probably biased since saying yes to the Breakfast Pack trio seems suspicious. Who would like 3 breakfasts together?
    • Saying yes to the Parrot who ask to invite his fellow friends in the kingdom, in which results being blamed for inviting random strangers who were robbers to steal anything they want.
    • Saying yes to the third Pig results in you and the pig playing Roblox. The owl judges you probably because you were not protecting the kingdom and just started playing games without keeping an eye.
  • In the 2 Tower Defense games, the owl has the longest range and literary covers the whole board, followed by the Unicorn who's the second longest range.
  • There are 3 reskins of the owl blook: Agent Owl, Owl Sheriff, and Wise Owl.