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Temp file 1619728231 This article is a BLOOK.
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Tower of Doom stats

The Kitten is a Common Blook, which means that everybody has it! It cannot be sold. This Blook appears as a customer in Cafe.

Kitten blook in background


Tower of Doom (TOD) Stats:[]

The default TOD stats are: 5 Strength, 14 Charisma, 4 Wisdom. These stats can be buffed/debuffed by various cards, and these are the default stats. Some of the cards that can buff/debuff it are:

  1. Pink Hippo (Buff)
  2. Dave's Doggo (Buff)
  3. Anorak's Wizard Cap (Buff)
  4. Magic Seedling (Debuff)
  5. Just A Bone (Buff)

Factory Statistics:[]

Class: Pet (🐾)
Base Stats: $4 / 1s Price: Free
II: $8 / 1s Price: $450
III: $60 / 1s Price: $3,500
IV: $400 / 1s Price: $26,000
Max Stats: $2K / 1s Price: $200,000

Crazy Kingdom Statistics:[]

The Kitten asks for gold to get hamburgers. If you say No, then you will -10 happiness. If you say Yes, then you will -8 gold and +10 happiness.
