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Gold Quest is a Blooket game-mode. The game centers on players trying to get to the top of the leaderboard while having gold stolen from them by others.




All players start with 0 gold and try to work their way up the leaderboard by getting correct answers. Questions are set on a loop and the order is randomized. Not everyone gets the same question at the same time.

If someone gets an answer incorrect, they will be forced to wait 5 seconds to continue while all other players continue answering questions unless they also get it incorrect, they will also need to wait 5 seconds, although it will never be from the same timer. If they answer correctly however, they are required to pick from one of three chests. They could be:

+x gives the contestant x gold.

  • Lose 25% or 50%: -25% or 50% amount of gold from the player's total amount of gold.
  • Double Gold: Doubles the player's total amount of gold.
  • Triple Gold: Triples the player' total amount of gold.
  • SWAP!: Allows the player to swap their amount of gold with another player's gold. This can either be really good if the player is near the bottom of the leaderboard or bad if they're near or at the top of the leaderboard.
  • Steal 10% or 25%: Allows the player to steal either 10% or 25% of another player's gold.
  • Nothing: It does absolutely nothing.

The host can set the game to play for a custom amount of time, and players continue adding, losing, multiplying, swapping and stealing their way to the top.

Many games can end with players having trillions to even quadrillions of gold.

Gold Quest Values And Chances (Chances for certain values may increase or decrease depending on what place the player stands)
Item Action Chance Image
Gold Stack Adds 10 Gold To Your Total Amount Of Gold %5 Chance
Gold Stack Adds 20 Gold To Your Total Amount Of Gold %12.5 Chance
Gold Stack Adds 30 Gold To Your Total Amount Of Gold 17.5% Chance
Gold Stack Adds 40 Gold To Your Total Amount Of Gold 15% Chance
Gold Stack Adds 50 Gold To Your Total Amount Of Gold 13.5% Chance
Gold Stack Adds 100 Gold To Your Total Amount Of Gold 7.5% Chance
Jester Doubles All Your Gold 9% Chance
Unicorn Triples All Your Gold 4% Chance
Slime Monster Removes 25% Of Your Total Golds 3% Chance
Dragon Removes 50% Of Your Total Gold 1% Chance
King Swap Total Gold With Any Player You Choose 2% Chance
Elf Take 10% Of Someone Else's Total Gold 4% Chance
Wizard Take 25% Of Someone Else's Total Gold 4% Chance
Fairy Nothing Happens 2% Chance


List of Gamemodes
Live-Only Gamemodes Pirate's VoyageGold QuestCrypto HackFishing FrenzyDeceptive DinosBattle RoyaleRacingBlook RushClassic
Live or Solo Gamemodes Tower DefenseTower Defense 2Monster BrawlCafeFactory
Solo-Only Gamemodes Crazy KingdomTower of Doom