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Dormouse is a Rare Blook that can be purchased on market by opening Wonderland Pack. The drop rate of Dormouse is 6.5%. It can be sold for 20 tokens each, just like other Rares.
Featured Game-Modes[]
Dormouse is currently featured in 4 different game modes, which are Café, Tower of Doom, Crazy Kingdom and the Factory game mode.
Dormouse is a costumer in Café. It may appear to order breakfast when the amount of costumer on the screen is less than 3.
Tower of Doom[]
Dormouse is one of the cards in 🏰 category. The default Dormouse stats in Tower of Doom are 16 Strength, 10 Charisma and 14 Wisdom. However, these stats can be buffed or debuffed when we got the following cards after you got this card. We can also increase the stats by upgrade it in Rest stages or met good luck in Risk stages.
- Pink Hippo (+2 Strangth)
- Dave's Doggo (+2 Charisma)
- Anorak's Wizard Cap (+2 Wisdom)
- King's Crown (-1 All)
- Sacred Scoll (+1 All)
- Cozy Igloo (-1 All)
Factory Stats:[]
$17K every 2 seconds
Crazy Kingdom Stats:[]
Dormouse will ask if you want to buy some tea, get gold to pick blueberries or get materials to build a playground:
- "Hiiiii! Would you like to buy some of my tea?"
- Yes: "Yayyy! Enjoy the tea!" +15 (Happiness), -8 (Gold)
- No: "Awwww... I guess more tea for me!" -6 (Happiness)
- "Hiiiii! Can I have some materials to build a playground and make some new friends?"
- Yes: "Yayyy! So many friends." -12 (Materials), +7 (People), +15 (Happiness)
- No: "Awwww... I'm so lonely now." -10 (Happiness)
- "Hiiiii! Can I get some gold to go pick blueberries?"
- Yes: "Yayyy! Here, you can have some too." +15 (Materials), +7(Happiness), -12 (Gold)
- No: "Awww... I really like blueberries." -7 (Happiness)
- In 'Alice in Wonderland', the Dormouse has a name, which is Mallymkun.
- Dormouse one of the 8 blooks partially hid in an object/item. The other blooks were Autumn Cat, Leprechaun, Fairy, Pumpkin Puppy, Amber, joey, and Pumpkin King.