Blooket Wiki

Welcome to the Blooket Wiki!

A bunch of blooks in a cluster

This wiki is about Blooket, a learning website created by Tom & Ben Stewart with the main focus of bringing an alternative and fun way of learning and meanwhile creating memorable experiences with classroom content.

Important pages/subpages:


Game Modes

Social Media

High Score Leaderboard


437 articles. 3,192 files. 36,370 edits. 85 active users.

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Battle Royale

This mode is similar to Classic, but instead of going against everyone, you go against another player or another team if in team mode. The time is counted by milliseconds to ensure that one of you wins or loses, although there is still a chance to tie. If you have the fastest time, and answered it correctly you would win, causing the other enemy to lose one energy. If you loose all your energy, you die. Battle Royale Teams mode features team names. Each team is given a name by the Blook that is selected, and it will show on the top of the screen.
