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Blooks Wearing Santa Hats

Santa's Workshop Gameplay

All Common blooks wearing Santa hat in Season 2-3
Cozy Baby Penguin the newest Chroma
Holiday Elf the newest Chroma
Blooket Holidays is a yearly event done by Blooket from Early December to Early January which usually makes the website holiday themed. It usually contains a newly pack and a gamemode temporarily.

Blooket Holidays 2019 Poster (When it used to be called Blizzard Blast)
Season 1[]
Season 1's Blooket Holidays was called Blizzard Blast. It contained Snowball Fight game mode, and a Blizzard Pack. There were no Santa hats on all the blooks.

Blooket Holidays 2020 Poster
Season 2[]
From Season 2 onwards, Blizzard Blast was renamed to Blooket Holidays. It replaced Snowball Fight with Santa's Workshop because of the negative reviews Snowball Fight received. It also contained a Blizzard Pack with the addition of two Chromas, Frost Wreath and Tropical Globe. With the exception of Santa Claus, all the Blooks in the locker were wearing Santa hats. Game modes like Tower Of Doom, Tower Defense, Crazy Kingdom, Factory, and Café had all the Blooks wearing Santa hats.
Season 3[]
Season 3’s Blooket Holidays contained Santa’s Workshop, and a Blizzard Pack. The Blizzard Pack continued the Frost Wreath and Tropical Globe. With the exception of Santa Claus, all the Blooks in the locker were wearing Santa hats. Game modes like Tower Of Doom, Tower Defense, Crazy Kingdom, Factory, and Café had all the Blooks wearing Santa hats.

Blooket Holidays 2022 Poster
Season 4[]
Season 4’s Blooket Holidays contained Santa’s Workshop, a Blizzard Pack, and a Holiday Shop. The Blizzard Pack discontinued Frost Wreath and Tropical Globe but introduced the London Snow Globe, Japan Snow Globe, Egypt Snow Globe, Paris Snow Globe, and New York Snow Globe as Chromas which rotates everyday. It also introduced the Stocking as an Uncommon in the Blizzard Pack. Because of the new look, all Blooks no longer wear Santa hats on season 4 onwards.

Blooket Holidays 2023 Poster
Season 5[]
Season 5’s Blooket Holidays contained Santa’s Workshop, a Blizzard Pack, a Holiday Shop. and Contest Of Candy 2023. The Blizzard Pack discontinued the Country Snow Globes but introduced the Red Sweater Snowman, Blue Sweater Snowman, and Elf Sweater Snowman as Chromas. It also introduced the Reindeer as a Rare Blook in the Blizzard Pack. This Season has Contest Of Candy 2023 which was postponed from October to December to fit the holiday theme making all Halloween Blooks from Contest Of Candy editions 2019 to 2022 Retired.

Blooket Holidays 2024 Poster
Season 6[]
Season 6's Blooket Holidays contained Santa's Workshop, a Blizzard Pack, a Holiday Shop. The Blizzard Pack discontinued the Red Sweater Snowman, Blue Sweater Snowman, and the Elf Sweater Snowman for two new Chromas, the Holiday Elf and Cozy Baby Penguin. There was no new Blook introduced this season. The Christmas lobby music is only for Santa's Workshop for this season. Contest of Candy was cancelled this season for Blooket Holidays as well as for Spooktober. It might happen for next year's Blooket Holidays.

Blooket talking about Blizzard Blast in twitter
- The only chromas that have been in the Blizzard Pack for two consecutive years in a row are the Frost Wreath and the Tropical Globe.
- Every Blook had a hat in most game modes from Season 2 to Season 3 because the game modes were way simpler and easier to code back then.
- There was only one Contest Of Candy held in December.
- Snowball Fight is the only retired Blooket Game mode in this event.
- This used to be called Blizzard Blast but then renamed to Blooket Holidays.
- This is one of Blooket’s biggest Seasonal Events along with Valentine’s Day, Spooktober, St. Patrick’s Day, Spring, April Fools Updates, and Autumn Update.
- Only Santa Claus doesn't wear a Santa hat on Season 2-3, because he literally already wears one.
- The newest Blooks added to the pack excluding Awarded Blooks are the Holiday Elf and Cozy Baby Penguin.
- In 2021, there is no poster for Blooket Holidays making the only year without a new poster.